Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

Testosterone Booster Six Star Pro Nutrition Review

Testosterone Booster Six Star Pro Nutrition Review

Six Star, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Testosterone Booster, Elite Series, 60 Caplets Review


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Product name: Six Star, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Testosterone Booster, Elite Series, 60 Caplets
Quantity: 60 Count, 0.08 kg, 14 x 6.6 x 6.6 cm
Categories: Six Star, Supplements, Men's Health, Testosterone

From America's #1 Selling Body Building Supplement Brand , 386 mg Rhodiola Extract, 100 mg Boron Citrate, Dietary Supplement, Made in the USA from International Ingredients, 20 Years of Excellence, Leader in Science, Guaranteed Banned Substance Free, cGMP Certified, Study Result: Increase Active Testosterone in Just 7 Days? Maintain Peak Testosterone to Cortisol Ratio? Enhances Training Performance? Six Star Testosterone Booster is manufactured according to cGMP standards, as is required for all dietary supplements, Six Star Testosterone Booster is Engineered for all Male Athletes, Six Star Testosterone Booster is from the makers of MuscleTech, America's #1 Selling Body Building Supplement Brand, so you know it's a powerful formula you can trust. Whether it's your first time at the gym or you're a seasoned vet, pro athlete or just trying to gain that extra edge in your sport, everyone is an athlete, and every athlete needs to fuel their body with the best sport nutrition products available. Formulated with a key ingredient shown in a human clinical study to amplify your body's natural testosterone production within the normal range and including a blend of ingredients shown to improve athletic performance, Six star Testosterone Booster is the formula you want.

Testosterone, Men's Health, Supplements

It has been found to enhance performance in high-intensity, short-duration exercise, and some research suggests it may help elevate resting testosterone levels. Vitamin d supplementation has been shown to increase free testosterone levels by a whopping 20%. Benefits: There is insufficient evidence for whether pak enhances athletic performance. So, keep risks in mind when considering testosterone therapy or other therapies. A person may receive injections of testosterone from their doctor, or the doctor might allow them to inject themselves at home. The different treatments include testosterone injections, gels and patches. David handelsman of the university of sydney and concord hospital in australia, the ttrials do not materially change the unfavorable balance of safety and efficacy to initiate testosterone treatment. It is important that these men have access to information that is evidence-based and will give them a realistic picture of what they can hope to see after using these supplements. In addition, we dove deep into the specific ingredient lists of our finalists and cross-checked them against webmd and the national institutes of health (Nih) database to make sure that they did not contain ingredients known to be harmful. Guys who are hopeful that supplements will bulk them up, maybe prevent disease, or, more likely, boost their bedroom performance, should be especially wary of these 7 supplements. This booster is scientifically engineered to stimulate testosterone increases.

Six Star, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Testosterone Booster, Elite Series, 60 Caplets: Testosterone, Men's Health, Supplements

It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before adding any nutritional supplements, including testosterone boosters, to your regimen. Fixing testosterone issues for most young men, according to dr. Initial research in animals and humans has found that as little as 12 days of d-aspartic acid seems to increase luteinizing hormone as well as testosterone production and transportation around the body. The bone trial included 189 of the 790 men in the overall study. Most of the current research on it consists of animal studies, which show improved sex drive and increased testosterone levels. The researchers found that in men taking testosterone gel, there was a significant increase in noncalcified coronary artery plaque volume. With the bone trial, researchers tried to figure out whether bone density increased after testosterone treatment in older men with low testosterone levels. However, many conditions other than aging, such as acute and chronic diseases, immobilization, malnutrition status, and deficiency of anabolic hormones (E. Bloom cautioned that with steroidal supplements like dhea, there have been quality-control issues with over-the-counter preparations, in terms of how much active ingredient is added.

Six Star, Testosterone

This is a fast acting, and very potent vitamin complex to help you reload, get stacked, and safely boost your metabolism and testosterone levels. His doctor told him to stop taking any supplements. Improve testosterone levels naturally with res-q natural male testosterone support; just two tablets daily give you an easy, safe and effective way to boost testosterone levels and protect your health. According to the endocrine society, the normal total testosterone range is about 265 to 915 nanograms per deciliter for younger men ages 19 to 39, guidelines discourage doctors from prescribing testosterone unless blood levels are clearly low. What are the risks of testosterone therapy? Then, as we age and hit 30, our testosterone starts to drop. Some over-the-counter forms of testosterone taken orally are known to cause liver damage when the supplements are metabolized, sabanegh said. The human body is like a symphony, not a single note. Iron brothers testosterone booster also full ingredient transparency. A new class of treatments for women going through the menopause is able to reduce numbers of debilitating hot flushes by as much as three quarters in a matter of days, a trial has found.

Six Star Pro Nutrition, Testosterone Booster, Elite Series

What are the best natural testosterone boosters? You can trust the safety of this testosterone booster, as the caplets are made in the usa from natural, high-quality ingredients, including saw palmetto extract and tongkat ali extract. Although it is still early days in the research on ginger and testosterone, eating ginger is very safe and provides numerous other health benefits. There can be many reasons for a decrease in sex drive, for both men and women. This trial studied 493 men who had age-associated memory impairment at the start of the study, as measured by subjective memory complaints and objective memory performance. Boost muscle growth and your athletic performance with this blend of nine herbs and essential minerals. Testosterone is produced by the testicles, two oval organs that produce sperm in men.

Six Star Supplements Men's Health Testosterone

For male patients with low blood testosterone levels, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy for men usually outweigh potential risks. When measuring sperm health, the researchers found several improvements, including a 16% increase in sperm count. You should always check with your doctor before adding these supplements or any other supplements to your regimen, particularly if you have chronic health conditions or if you are already taking medications or supplements. 8 The testosterone booster zinc increases libido. Men's health nutrition adviser mike roussell, ph. As such, samplaski would like to see more regulation around testosterone-boosting supplements to protect consumers. Foodpharmacy Blog and it's editors do not ensure that unforeseen side effects will not occur even at the proper dosages, and thereby does not assume liability for any side effects from supplements or practices hosted under the domain of examine. In addition to the typical benefits of testosterone benefits, this one reduces stress and anxiety. They recommended estimating muscle function based on gait speed and grip strength and muscle mass according to appendicular skeletal muscle mass adjusted by height squared (Fig.

Six Star Testosterone

Bottom line: Taking zinc may be effective in those with low zinc or testosterone levels, or those who are currently in stressful training. Resistance training can also give you a short-term boost in testosterone. If we give someone testosterone, we are making their testicles lazy, akturk said. One case study showed a 23,5% increase in serum testosterone levels. What are the side effects of taking testosterone pills? So lucas decided to do what the ad recommended: Talk to his doctor. The results include improvement in all of the above and the can also boost your overall mood, making you feel more confident and in control. The single best thing you can do to improve your level is be healthier. Always consult a medical provider before initiating a new supplement regimen. A relatively small number of men experience immediate side effects of testosterone treatment, such as acne, disturbed breathing while sleeping, breast swelling or tenderness, or swelling in the ankles. This booster for men will increase your testosterone levels and stamina naturally.

Supplements Men's Health Testosterone Six Star

This common kitchen spice can actually play a role in testosterone production. Testosterone is the key male sex hormone, but is also important for women. One of the most comprehensive studies tested two groups of 15 college men over an eight-week period. A testosterone booster is a natural supplement used by people (Mostly men) to boost their testosterone levels. Those looked at sexual function, physical activity and mood and found that sexual function and desire did improve significantly among men using the testosterone gel. A study in the journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism also linked low testosterone to an increased mortality rate. Testosterone replacement therapy can improve the signs and symptoms of low testosterone in these men. Hallie levine is an award-winning magazine and freelance writer who contributes to consumer reports on health and fitness topics. Various supplements and medications may help increase a person's testosterone levels. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin a, a fat-soluble nutrient that protects cells from damage and that we need for eye, immune system, and skin health. After three months, they had experienced a 17% increase in testosterone levels and their levels of luteinizing hormone had nearly doubled. Low testosterone is not just a measure of blood testosterone, according to new york urologist dr. (By the way, if you think i am being vain for mentioning that last detail, then you probably stand at normal height or above.

What are the benefits of taking testosterone boosters? The combination helps to increase testosterone by up to 347% and protein synthesis by up to 200%. Extra virgin olive oil (Evoo) is one of the healthiest foods on the planet and is one of the cornerstones of the extremely popular and exceedingly healthy mediterranean diet. Making sure it is deemed safe for you to use, based on your personal and individual health and current medications, will prevent any potential harm from utilizing a supplement. However, if you have normal testosterone levels and are looking for a boost, for strength gaining purposes, then d-aspartic acid use may prove less fruitful. Another rat study showed that more ginger resulted in more testosterone (51 ). Ask your doctor to test your testosterone level with a simple blood test. Overall performance lab sport t-booster is a great product designed to raise testosterone levels and maintain a masculine hormone state for muscle strength, anabolic growth and virility.

Avocados are one of the best sources of fats for naturally boosting testosterone levels. Among men using the testosterone gel, there were statistically significant improvements in lumbar spine and hip bone density and bone strength.

Six Star, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Testosterone Booster, Elite Series, 60 Caplets Product Review

This is not a booster. Trustworthy. Still evaluating. It feels good. My own experience. Does it Work? Good vibes. dtq. testosterone. Good Buy

As a test booster, this is an absolutely useless thing. Composition: Boron Citrate, Radiol and Kinkgo Biloba. Those. they put Bor as the main component. Although it has long been proven that Bor does not raise testosterone levels. This supplement increases libido, it is a fact. Testosterone and strength are not. Radiola works well as an adaptogen, i. e. feeling better, a little stamina. Ginkgo biloba – a drug in general for memory – improves the neuro-muscular response. In principle, all of the above drugs can be purchased separately. In summary, I repeat – do not expect her to increase testosterone. This is not a testosterone booster, but an adaptogen. And, I would add ZMA to it, because Boron improves the absorption of magnesium – sleep will definitely improve and cramps decrease, if any.

Six Star, Six Star Pro Nutrition, Testosterone Booster, Elite Series, 60 Caplets Review

It makes me feel energetic!

Almost done with the bottle.

I guess it works. But I take a few other supplements, so I really can pinpoint it.

Used it and I hadn't have any change at all.

Have tried this for a month but unable to detect any changes to physiology

I want to keep using it

Did not feel any improvement since I take that sup but at least I'm not getting down. To be precise, usually after a hard training time, I'm quite low, but now with that test booster, I still feel myself like I was before, not tired at all, full of power. So to summarize, thumbs up anyway!

I also drink zinc and arginine. Drink good.

Worth the money

Questions and Answers

Is this product Gelatine free and can be described as Halal and suitable for Vegetarians?
Hi guys! What is the best time for taking this supplement for those who have been using it? I mean early in the morning? Before workout? After workout? Before bed time? Or with meals?
Hi there I have two questions about this product. I am a female trying to gain muscle mass, is this product safe for women to use? And would I take the same amount each day as recommended on container? And also I would like to know whether I can crush the tablets up and mix them up in yogurt to take them as I have trouble swallowing tablets whole? Is it safe to take them in this way? Thanks looking forward to your response. Jade
Hi guys What is the optimum way to use this product for guy how workout hard at the gym 5 times a week?!
Can women use it?

2 tablets before workout and when u don't have training 2 before sleep
This is more suited to males, I would suggest using this product – Muscletech-Pro-Series-Muscle-Builder-30-Rapid-Release-Capsules/74292 – There would be no issue with you having it in your yoghurt pre-workout.
Take two per day
I'm not a doctor but my practitioner thought maybe trying to increase my level of Testosterone. Maybe I should explain I'm 70 and still working, lately having a problem with energy. To be honest the SixStar has helped in that regard, but I don't know if it would help a lady.

Testosterone Booster Six Star Pro Nutrition Review



Jumat, 10 Desember 2021

Symptoms After Starting Low Carb Diet

Symptoms After Starting Low Carb Diet

Signs of Low Testosterone


Testosterone is a hormone that exists in both males and females of the human species. In men, testosterone is responsible for the proper functionality of the sexual and reproductive systems. It also plays a role in other functions of the human body, including:

  • Maintaining bone density
  • Promoting muscle strength
  • Production of red blood cells
  • Promotion of sex drive
  • Healthy fat distribution in the body

Not only does testosterone play these important roles in the male body, but it does so in the female body as well. Women, however, possess lower levels of this hormone than do men. When women have too much testosterone, they can suffer conditions such as male pattern baldness and other adverse developments.

Common Symptoms

While having too much testosterone can be problematic, too little testosterone can lead to deterioration of health. Since testosterone plays a crucial role in the production and development of sperm, for men, low testosterone can lead to infertility.

For men, a healthy testosterone level is between 270-1070 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter). The average level would be around 679 ng/dL.

Some of the symptoms of low testosterone in men are:

  • Gaining significant fat
  • Muscle depletion
  • Hair loss
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Development of larger than normal breasts
  • Lethargy

For women, healthy testosterone levels are around 15-70 ng/dL. Symptoms of low testosterone in women include fatigue, sleep disruption, low sex drive, loss of bone density, and weight gain.

Causes of Low Testosterone

Testosterone levels tend to drop in men as they age. According to scientific studies, the peak stage for testosterone for a man occurs at around the age of 20, and then gradually decreases.

However, when testosterone drops below the healthy levels, this can be disruptive to the individual's health system.

Certain problems may contribute to this reduction of testosterone to levels that are considered unhealthy. Such problems include but are not limited to the following:

  • Pituitary tumors
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Castration or testicular injury
  • Side effects from taking opiate analgesics and other medicines that reduce testosterone

For women, some of the causes of low testosterone are menopause, problems with the ovaries or health problems with the adrenal glands.

How to Tell If You Are Suffering from Low Testosterone

Because the symptoms of low testosterone are often shared with those of other medical disorders, it can be hard to know if you have low testosterone.

If you have been feeling sluggish and unable to sleep lately, you might be suffering low testosterone. However, other tell-tale signs could be a low sex drive, mood swings, and memory loss or other cognitive disorders.

To diagnose low testosterone, you will need to visit a doctor who will review your symptoms and conduct tests to assess your situation. The doctor will likely conduct a blood test to check your testosterone level. He or she may also do MRI tests or other diagnostic tests to check for tumors and hormonal problems.

Conditions Associated with Low Testosterone

Certain diseases and conditions can make you more likely to experience low testosterone. These include kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, HIV/AIDS, high cholesterol, obesity, heart problems, and metabolic syndrome.

While the exact link between these conditions and low testosterone is not completely understood, one may make you more susceptible to the other. In particular, a weakening of your body's ability to regulate and fight disease seems to result in the body producing less testosterone.

Treatment Options for Low Testosterone

There are several treatment options for curing low testosterone. First, if there's an underlying condition such as tumors and other diseases, the doctor will likely deal with those first.

As to the actual low testosterone, the doctor may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This treatment replenishes the levels of testosterone in the body, and helps to preserve the proper functioning of body processes affected by low testosterone.

In addition, you might also be prescribed a testosterone supplement treatment to get your testosterone levels back up.

Apart from medical options, you can also pursue lifestyle adjustments to boost your testosterone, particularly if the problem is not severe. Lifestyle adjustments include following an exercise program to lose weight, quitting smoking, eating healthy, and getting plenty of rest, including sleep.

Symptoms After Starting Low Carb Diet



Organic Low Carb Meal Replacement Shakes For Keto Diet

Organic Low Carb Meal Replacement Shakes For Keto Diet

Most meal replacement shakes are far from keto-friendly. They often rely on high-sugar fruits and carb-rich dairy products, which add enough carbs to slow your weight loss progress on keto.

However, don't let these high-carb options fool you into thinking you can't have a meal replacement shake. In fact, you are only a few ingredient swaps away from cutting the carbs and making a delicious shake that'll keep you satisfied throughout the day.

With our keto meal replacement shake recipe, we'll show you exactly how to do this yourself.

For more keto friendly drinks look at our strawberry milkshake or discover our Starbucks tips.

What is the Best Keto Meal Replacement Shake for Weight Loss?

Although there are dozens of keto meal replacement shake powders on the market (click here for our favorite), your best option is making it yourself. Not only will this help cut your spending significantly, but you'll end up with a much more satisfying, healthier shake.

Plus, as you get a feel for this keto meal replacement shake recipe, you'll find it easy to adjust the fat, protein, and carb content based on your nutrient needs and goals. In contrast, when using a pre-made meal replacement shake or powder, you'll be stuck with their macronutrient ratios and ingredients.

Would you still rather keep it easy and have a pre-made powder on hand? Check out Team Keto's Meal Replacement Shake – it's loaded with great ingredients like MCT oil, coconut oil powder, and grass-fed whey protein. It's actually tasty and has great macros, too.

Why Should I Use Meal Replacement Shakes on Keto?

Meal replacement shakes are a no-fuss way to get a satisfying keto meal in 10 minutes or less. This makes it the perfect recipe for when you don't have the time or the energy to cook another low-carb dish.

Keto meal replacement shakes are also easy to customize and optimize for your preferences. Whether you want to change the flavor, increase the fat content, or convert it into a freezer-friendly grab-and-go option, all it takes is a few extra steps.

How to Customize Your Keto Meal Replacement Shake? Adjusting the Macros, Flavors, and Ingredients

There are a seemingly endless number of ways to personalize this keto-friendly meal replacement shake recipe. Check out the following list for the most common options:

  • To add more fat (without adding any carbs or protein) — Blend in a high-quality keto oil one tablespoon at a time. MCT oil is the best option because it is relatively flavorless, boosts your ketone levels, and makes the shake more filling.
  • To add more fat (along with a small amount of carbs and protein) — Blend in more heavy cream, avocado, and/or nut butter. When doing so, keep track of how many carbs you are adding to the recipe as well as how the texture will change.
  • Is your shake too thick? — Add a source of keto-friendly liquid. Use oil or heavy cream if you don't mind the extra fat. Conversely, to minimize added fat, stick with water or a low-calorie keto nut milk.
  • Is your shake too thin? — Add more avocado or nut butter to thicken it up. For a zero-carb and zero-calorie option, use a small amount of xanthan gum or guar gum.
  • To add more protein — Add in a scoop or two of your preferred protein powder or collagen. Double-check the label to ensure it won't add too many carbs to the recipe.
  • To change the flavor — The two simplest options are adding a sugar-free flavoring or replacing the almond butter with sugar-free peanut butter, keto nutella, or macadamia nut butter. For more flavor inspiration, check out our other keto shakes.
  • For a 100% dairy-free and vegan meal replacement shake — Use coconut cream or full-fat coconut milk instead of dairy-based cream.

More DIY Keto Shake Add-Ons and Substitution Ideas

For more inspiration, we've included a list of keto-friendly ingredients commonly found in low-carb smoothie and shake recipes:

  • Egg white protein powder*
  • Whey protein isolate powder*
  • Plant-based protein powder*
  • Collagen powder*
  • Almond flour, almond meal, coconut flour, or ground chia seeds (as a replacement for the golden flaxseed meal)
  • Sugar-free nut or seed butter*
  • MCT oil or MCT oil powder*
  • Coconut milk powder or full-fat dairy cream powder (Great for making travel-friendly shakes, just make sure there are no added starches/carbs).
  • Use your preferred keto sweetener substitution (if you want to replace the stevia)
  • Pumpkin spice, apple pie spice, and/or keto maple syrup for fall-inspired flavor

*Make sure these products are sweetener-free or made with keto-friendly sweeteners.

Can I Save This Meal Replacement Shake for Later? Fridge and Freezer Options

This keto shake is surprisingly convenient. Not only can you make the shake ahead of time and grab it from the fridge as you head out the door, but you can make dozens of freezer-friendly meal replacements as well.

How to Store it in the Fridge

The easiest option is to make your shake the night before, pour it into your on-the-go container, and put it in the fridge for a no-fuss keto breakfast or lunch.

When stored in this way, your shake should stay fresh for 1-2 days. Some separation may occur during this time, so bring a spoon/stirrer to mix it together or re-blend it before you head out the door.

How to Make Freezer-friendly Keto Meal Replacement Shakes

Another time-saving option is to make the meal replacement shake recipe in bulk and store them in the freezer.

To do this, simply pour each serving of your freshly-blended shake into a freezer-friendly bag or a mason jar (leaving 2-3 inches of air at the top of a no shoulder jar or 2-3 inches before the shoulder of a shouldered jar).  As long as they are airtight, each serving should keep for up to 3 months.

To prepare your frozen keto meal replacement shake, thaw it in the fridge overnight, stir it together (or throw it in the blender for a quick mix), and enjoy!

Yields 2 servings of Keto Meal Replacement Shake

The Preparation

  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, or coconut milk from the carton
  • 1/2 medium avocado
  • 2 tablespoon almond butter
  • 2 tablespoon golden flaxseed meal
  • 2 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 15 drops liquid stevia, or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 8 whole ice cubes

The Execution

1. Get your ingredients prepped – pit and peel the avocado.

2. Add all of your ingredients to a blender, pulse together slowly until combined, then blend for 30-45 seconds until a smooth consistency appears.

3. I recommend adding half the sweetener to the shake, tasting, and adjusting the sweetener to your taste. Once you have a smooth consistency, pour out into a glass and enjoy!

This makes a total of 2 servings of Keto Meal Replacement Shake. Each serving comes out to be 453 calories, 42.6g fats, 6.9g net carbs, and 8.8g protein.

1/2 cup heavy cream 405 43 3.3 0 3.3 3.4
1 cup unsweet almond milk 30 2.6 1.1 0 1.1 1.1
1/2 avocado 161 15 8.6 6.7 1.9 2
2 tablespoon almond butter 194 18 6 3.3 2.7 6.6
2 tbsp golden flaxseed meal 69 5.5 3.8 3.5 0.3 2.4
2 tbsp cocoa powder 41 1 6 2 4 2
1/2 tsp cinnamon 3.2 0 1 0.7 0.3 0.1
15 drops liquid stevia 0 0 0 0 0 0
1/4 tsp vanilla extract 3 0 0.1 0 0.1 0
1/8 tsp salt 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 ice cubes 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 906.2 85.1 29.9 16.2 13.7 17.6
Per Serving ( /2 ) 453.1 42.6 15.0 8.1 6.9 8.8

Keto Meal Replacement Shake

Keto Meal Replacement Shake

The Preparation

  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, or coconut milk from the carton
  • 1/2 medium avocado
  • 2 tablespoon almond butter
  • 2 tablespoon golden flaxseed meal
  • 2 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 15 drops liquid stevia, or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 8 whole ice cubes

The Execution

  1. Get your ingredients prepped - pit and peel the avocado.
  2. Add all of your ingredients to a blender, pulse together slowly until combined, then blend for 30-45 seconds until a smooth consistency appears.
  3. I recommend adding half the sweetener to the shake, tasting, and adjusting the sweetener to your taste. Once you have a smooth consistency, pour out into a glass and enjoy!


This makes a total of 2 servings of Keto Meal Replacement Shake. Each serving comes out to be 453 calories, 42.6g fats, 6.9g net carbs, and 8.8g protein.


Copyright 2017 | Ruled.Me

Organic Low Carb Meal Replacement Shakes For Keto Diet



Senin, 06 Desember 2021

Gluten Intolerance After Low Carb Diet

Gluten Intolerance After Low Carb Diet

A recent research study linked peptic disease (heartburn, GERD, stomach ulcer) to gluten exposure in patients with gluten sensitivity.

PD (peptic disease) is not uncommon in the presentation of CD (celiac disease). It is more likely to be found in the second decade of life. CD should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with non-HP(H pylori) PD and we suggest routine CD serology and small bowel biopsy in patients with unexplained PD.

The authors of this study recommend that all patients with non infectious peptic disease be screened for celiac disease.

Source: Scand J Gastroenterol. 2009;44(12):1424-8.

Gastric Reflux is A Common Symptom of Gluten Exposure

I commonly see patients with a conglomeration of gastric symptoms that are directly caused by gluten exposure. They have questions like, "Why does bread give me heartburn every time I eat it?" or "Why do I have reflux all of the time?". They have no idea that this could be related to gluten exposure. Reflux, heartburn, ulcer disease, Barrett's esophagus, and even hernia are some of the more common diseases I have seen go into remission with the implementation of a TRUE gluten free diet.

Make Sure Your Doctor Orders the Right Tests

It is common for physicians to rule out infection (primarily H. pylori) in these patients, but gluten intolerance is very rarely investigated. The results of this study suggest that patients with gastric disease be screened for celiac disease. The problem with this recommendation is that celiac blood tests and biopsies are extremely inaccurate and have a high degree of false negatives. The other problem is that many people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Therefore, testing them for celiac disease is a complete waste of time and extremely misleading.

That it why I recommend genetic testing. The results cannot be skewed by diet and are not accompanied with the flaws of celiac blood and biopsy testing.

Drugs That Block Stomach Acid Have Dangerous Consequences

Remember that taking heavy doses of anti-acids and prescription reflux medications are not the answer. Taking these drugs every day only serves to neutralize or reduce stomach acid. Reduction of stomach acid is a major problem as it increases the risk for:

  • Infection
  • Osteoporosis (ironically, gluten also causes bone loss)
  • Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies (calcium, B-12, folic acid, iron, zinc, and more – also common in those with gluten sensitivity issues)
  • Protein and fat malabsorption as well as indigestion.

The chronic use of these medications works against your natural physiology.It does not treat the actual cause of disease, but merely reduces the symptoms (sometimes), thus creating a false sense of"healthy security". See the diagram below for nutritional deficiencies and consequences of taking acid blocking medications:

What are the Consequences of these Deficiencies?

  • Vitamin A – suppression of the immune system, skin inflammation, gastric inflammation, lung inflammation, acid reflux, and infertility
  • Protein Deficiency – immune suppression, anemia, inability to heal, blood sugar abnormalities, weight gain, cancer
  • Calcium Deficiency – bone loss, hormone disruption, blood clotting problems, muscle cramping, high blood pressure, gum disease
  • Iron Deficiency – anemia, increased risk for viral and bacterial infections, fatigue
  • Vitamin B12 – nerve damage, increased risk for cancer, heart disease, bone loss, anemia, depression
  • Zinc Deficiency – reduced immune function, slow healing, easy bruising, lowered antioxidant status, acidic pH, diabetes, heart disease
  • Folate (Folic Acid) – intestinal cancer and polyps, mood disorders (depression, anxiety), cancer, heart disease, bone loss

Why would anyone want to trade the problems above just to reduce symptoms of heartburn? Does it not make better since to try and determine the cause of the heart burn? We bathe our intestines with food 3 or more times a day. Shouldn't we start looking at the diet first to see what foods cause reflux? When did common sense go out the window? Below is a list of foods that cause acid reflux:

  • grain
  • wine and other alcoholic beverages
  • dairy
  • eggs
  • soy
  • coffee and tea

An acid reflux diet is a great place to start when you're looking for relief. There are many more, and it should be stated that different people react differently to different foods.The bottom line is this – if you have acid reflux, have your doctor test for food allergies as part of his investigation into the cause of your problem.Don't accept a drug-based treatment without a solution.

Are you struggling with gluten and reflux problems? Please do me a favor. If going gluten-free eliminated or reduced your gastric problems, please share with us below in theLeave a Reply Box. Your story may help encourage someone else to go gluten-free.
Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior

Gluten Intolerance After Low Carb Diet



Can I Lose Weight On A Low Carb Diet

Can I Lose Weight On A Low Carb Diet

Low-carb diets limit the number of carbohydrates a person eats. Instead of carbs, people focus on eating proteins, healthful fats, and vegetables.

Carbohydrates or carbs are one of three main food types that the body needs to work properly. The other two are protein and fat. Carbs give the body energy. The body breaks carbs down to use immediately or later.

If the body does not need to use the carbs for energy as soon as a person eats them, it stores them in the muscles and liver to use later. However, if the body does not use these stored carbs, the body converts them to fat.

Many people find following a low-carb diet challenging, particularly at the beginning of the diet. The following low-carb diet tips might help people stick to their diet and may help them lose weight successfully.

1. Knowing what foods are low-carb

Low-carb foods include:

  • lean meats, such as sirloin, chicken breast, or pork
  • fish
  • eggs
  • leafy green vegetables
  • cauliflower and broccoli
  • nuts and seeds, including nut butter
  • oils, such as coconut oil, olive oil, and rapeseed oil
  • some fruit, such as apples, blueberries, and strawberries
  • unsweetened dairy products including plain whole milk and plain Greek yogurt

2. Know the carb counts and serving sizes of foods

Most low carb diets only allow for 20 to 50 grams (g) of carbohydrates per day. Because of this, it is essential that people following low-carb diets choose foods that have a lower carb count but a high nutritional value per serving.

The foods in the quantities listed below all contain approximately 15 g of carbs:

  • 1 tennis ball sized apple or orange
  • 1 cup of berries
  • 1 cup of melon cubes
  • ½ medium banana
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins
  • 8 ounces of milk
  • 6 ounces of plain yogurt
  • ½ cup corn
  • ½ cup peas
  • ½ cup beans or legumes
  • 1 small baked potato
  • 1 slice of bread
  • 1/3 cup of cooked rice

While the foods listed above all contain roughly equal amounts of carbohydrates, they are not all nutritionally equivalent. The dairy products on the list contain protein and vital nutrients, such as Vitamin D and calcium in addition to the carbohydrate content.

The fruit and vegetables also contain essential vitamins and minerals. Choosing whole-grain varieties of bread and rice will provide more nutrients than white varieties, even though the carb content is similar.

3. Make a meal plan

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A meal plan can help a person organise their food for the forthcoming week.

A meal plan can help make things easier.

Anyone trying to follow a low-carb diet could try mapping out their week and plan all meals before heading to the grocery store.

Planning meals in advance can help people stick to the diet.

Knowing what they are going to eat for lunch and dinner can help a person avoid making unhealthful food choices, such as stopping at a fast food restaurant.

Meal planners are available for purchase online.

4. Meal prep

Planning is one thing, but preparing meals ahead of time can also help. Meal prep can help a person:

  • avoid making unhealthful food choices
  • save time during busier times of the week
  • save money

Some people like to prepare a week's worth of breakfasts and lunches ahead of time and store the meals in containers, so they are convenient and ready to go. It is possible to freeze some meals too, meaning people can prepare even more food in advance.

Having lots of pre-prepared meals on hand can help people avoid choosing less healthful options.

Popular low-carb meals to prepare in advance include:

  • egg muffins
  • Greek yogurt bowls
  • protein pancakes
  • chicken lettuce wraps
  • protein and vegetable stir fry with no rice

5. Carry low-carb snacks

Low-carb snack options for between meals include:

  • hard boiled eggs
  • unsweetened yogurt
  • baby or regular carrots
  • handful of nuts
  • cheese

It is essential to regulate portion size of any snacks to avoid overeating.

6. Consider carb cycling

Carb cycling involves eating very low-carb foods for a set amount of days, followed by one day of eating higher carb meals. This helps the body avoid fat-burning plateaus that can develop after weeks of low-carb dieting.

Carb cycling is not for everyone, and anyone considering it should talk to their doctor or nutritionist first.

7. Not all carbs are created equal

Carbs come in different forms.

Simple carbs consist of easy to digest sugars. Refined and processed carbs, such as white sugar and white flour, are simple carbs.

People who are starting on a low-carb diet need to think about reducing their intake of refined and processed carbs. Avoiding these carbs will be beneficial for reaching an ideal weight and for health in general.

However, not all simple carbs are created equal. Fruits include fructose, which is a simple carb, but eating fruit is recommended in a low-carb diet, as it is loaded with nutrients and is a whole-food source of carbs.

Complex carbs take longer to digest than simple carbs, as they need to be broken down into a simpler form. Complex carbs are found in more nutrient-rich foods, such as beans, whole-grains, and fiber-rich fruits, such as bananas.

Complex carbs also have the added benefit of making a person feel full faster, which might prevent them from overeating. Complex carbs also make people feel full for longer, which might help them avoid snacking between meals.

8. Be aware of alternatives

Substituting low-carb or no-carb foods for high-carb foods can help reduce carb intake.

Some low-carb substitutions include:

  • lettuce leaves instead of taco shells
  • portobello mushroom caps instead of buns
  • baked butternut squash fries
  • eggplant lasagna
  • cauliflower pizza crust
  • spaghetti squash instead of noodles
  • zucchini ribbons instead of pasta

9. Exercise appropriately

Exercise is an important part of overall health. People should avoid a sedentary lifestyle but refrain from excessive exercising.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that adults do moderate exercise for 150 minutes a week for a minimum 10 minutes at a time for moderate health benefits. For optimal health benefits, the CDC recommend 300 minutes of exercise. The CDC also suggest that people lift weights or do other strength training exercises to improve overall health.

Those on low-carb diets may want to avoid long periods of intense activity such as distance running. This is because people who are doing a form of exercise that requires extra endurance, such as marathon training, will need extra carbohydrates to fuel their bodies.

10. Use common sense

People should know about potential health risks before starting a low-carb diet.

Short-term health risks caused by a low-carb diet may include:

  • cramping
  • constipation
  • palpitations
  • high cholesterol
  • headaches
  • brain fog
  • lack of energy
  • nausea
  • bad breath
  • rash
  • reduced athletic performance

Long-term health risks caused by a low-carb diet may include:

  • nutritional deficiencies
  • loss of bone density
  • gastrointestinal problems

Some people should not follow a low-carb diet unless instructed to do so by a doctor. These groups of people include those with kidney disease and teenagers.

Not everyone will benefit from, or should even consider, a low-carb diet. Anyone thinking about doing a low-carb diet should speak with a doctor before starting.

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Eggs are a low-carb food.

Many people follow low-carb diets on the basis that if the body does not receive extra carbohydrates, it will not store excess fat.

The idea, then, is that the body will burn some of the stored fat rather than the carbs, which will promote fat loss.

Research from 2003 in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people who followed a low-carb diet lost more weight than those on a low-fat diet after 6 months, but not after 12 months.

The study noted that "longer and larger studies are required to determine the long-term safety and efficacy of low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat diets."

A low-carb diet can have some benefits, including weight loss. With some planning and appropriate substitutions, most people can follow a low-carb diet. However, a low-carb diet may not be the best way to achieve long-term or sustainable health goals.

When following a low-carb diet, it is essential that people eat healthfully and do not overeat certain foods, such as very fatty meats.

People looking to lose weight or considering going on a low-carb diet should speak to their doctor or nutritionist before making any significant changes.

Can I Lose Weight On A Low Carb Diet



Perigos Da Dieta Low Carb

Perigos Da Dieta Low Carb

Ter sobrepeso ou obesidade e carregar muita gordura no corpo não é apenas ruim para a aparência, mas também algo perigoso para a saúde.

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Pior ainda se isso se tratar da gordura visceral, um tipo de gordura profunda da cavidade abdominal, onde preenche os espaços entre os órgãos abdominais.

É comum que as pessoas com gordura visceral apresentem uma barriga dura e grande. Entretanto, aquelas que além da gordura visceral também possuem a gordura subcutânea podem ter uma barriga um pouco molinha.

A gordura visceral é um fator preocupante porque é um agente chave no desenvolvimento vários problemas de saúde. Mais do que a gordura subcutânea, aquela mais superficial, que fica logo abaixo da pele e é possível pegar com as mãos.

Mais sobre os perigos da gordura visceral

Distúrbios metabólicos e o aumento do risco de ter diabetes do tipo 2 e doenças cardiovasculares têm uma associação com a gordura visceral.

Quanto mais acúmulo de gordura uma pessoa tiver na barriga, na região das vísceras entre os órgãos, maiores serão as probabilidades de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), problemas no coração e condições associadas ao mau funcionamento do sistema cardiovascular.

Além disso, nas mulheres, esse tipo de gordura mais profunda também tem uma relação com o câncer de mama e a necessidade de fazer cirurgia na vesícula biliar.

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A gordura visceral tem uma ligação direta com a resistência à insulina, com níveis mais altos do colesterol total e do colesterol ruim e taxas mais baixas do colesterol bom.

Mas então, como diminuir a gordura visceral?

Quando se fala em acabar com a gordura visceral, o que se quer dizer é diminuir essa gordura a níveis normais.

Em certa medida, a gordura visceral é necessária porque atua como uma espécie de amortecedor para os órgãos. Então, o problema em si é ter níveis altos e prejudiciais à saúde de gordura visceral.

Mas o que pode ser feito então para diminuir a gordura visceral a níveis saudáveis?

1. Diminuir a ingestão de carboidratos

Uma opção de abordagem é fazer uma dieta pobre em carboidratos como a dieta low carb ou a dieta cetogênica. Elas basicamente envolvem consumir o mínimo possível de carboidratos, ingerir uma quantidade normal de proteínas e aumentar as gorduras saudáveis.

Estudos já mostraram que esses programas alimentares conseguem reduzir bastante gordura visceral de dentro da cavidade abdominal. Mas antes de aderir a um desses regimes, você precisa consultar um nutricionista para ter a orientação adequada.

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Como essas dietas podem ser radicais para algumas pessoas, a alternativa se torna optar pelos carboidratos de baixo índice glicêmico ou carboidratos complexos.

Por exemplo, batata-doce, lentilha, ervilha e grão-de-bico, que promovem uma liberação mais lenta de glicose (açúcar) no sangue e não geram pico de insulina, que favorece o acúmulo de gordura abdominal.


As fibras solúveis são recomendadas porque formam uma espécie de gel no estômago, que favorece a sensação de saciedade.

Além disso, essas fibras fermentam no intestino, produzindo material orgânico para ser consumido pelas boas bactérias do intestino. Isso ajuda a melhorar a probiótica intestinal, o que auxilia a haver menor acúmulo de gorduras na região da circunferência abdominal.

Mas quais alimentos funcionam como boas fontes de fibras solúveis? A lista inclui: aveia, lentilhas, feijões, grão-de-bico e outras leguminosas. Conheça mais alimentos ricos em fibras solúveis.

Entretanto, para quem não está acostumado a consumir muitas fibras na dieta é importante aumentar gradativamente, ou seja, aos pouquinhos, a ingestão do nutrientes nas refeições.

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3. Consumir uma quantidade suficiente de proteínas

Ingerir bons teores de proteínas todos os dias também é importante porque o nutriente contribui para que se tenha mais saciedade.

Além disso, alguns estudos já mostraram que as pessoas que consomem a sua quantidade necessária de proteínas apresentam uma menor circunferência abdominal.

Alimentos como claras de ovos, frango (de preferência sem pele e sem gordura adicionada) e peixes gordos de águas profundas como sardinha e atum são consideradas boas fontes de proteínas.

Conheça outras fontes de proteínas de alto valor biológico e descubra boas fontes de proteína vegetal para a sua dieta.

4. Limitar a ingestão de açúcar

Quando se fala em limitar a ingestão de açúcar no dia a dia, isso não se resume a deixar de adicionar o açúcar de mesa no suco, chá, café e outras preparações. Mas também envolve passar longe dos açúcares que são adicionados nos produtos industrializados.

Entretanto, como saber se um produto industrializado tem a adição de muito açúcar? Basta checar a sua lista de ingredientes.

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Se o açúcar aparecer logo no início da lista, o produto em questão contém muito açúcar. Isso porque os primeiros ingredientes apresentados na lista são aqueles que estão presentes em maior quantidade no produto.

Mas é necessário prestar atenção a um truque. O açúcar pode ser citado sob outros nomes na lista de ingredientes.

Por exemplo: xarope de glicose, xarope de frutose, xarope de milho e demais xaropes, mel, palavras com a terminação "ose" e outros tipos de açúcar como açúcar invertido, açúcar mascavo e açúcar demerara.

Além disso, limitar a ingestão de açúcar envolve limitar os alimentos com carboidratos simples ou carboidratos de alto índice glicêmico como o pão branco e outros produtos à base de farinha branca.

É necessário ter cautela também com o suco de fruta, inclusive com o suco natural que se prepara em casa, mesmo sem o acréscimo do açúcar de mesa. Isso porque na forma de suco, o açúcar da fruta pode ficar muito concentrado e ainda perde-se suas fibras.

5. Evitar o consumo de bebida alcoólica

As bebidas alcoólicas também têm uma relação com o aumento do acúmulo de gordura abdominal. Isso não se aplica somente às bebidas alcoólicas mais calóricas ou aos drinks com ingredientes cheios de açúcar como leite condensado ou refrigerantes.

Qualquer tipo de bebida alcoólica, mesmo aquelas compostas praticamente somente pelo álcool, precisa ser evitada. É que o álcool é uma toxina, da qual o organismo tem a necessidade de se desintoxicar.

Esse processo ocorre por meio do fígado e atrapalha muito o processo de quebra de gorduras, a lipólise. O álcool faz com que o corpo deixe de se focar na queima de gorduras, diminuindo-a, e com que se concentre em eliminar o álcool.

Entretanto, esse não é o único problema. Quando uma pessoa bebe, as suas inibições diminuem, o que a torna mais propensa a comer algo que não vai contribuir em nada com a sua perda de gorduras, como uma pizza e fast food, por exemplo.

6. Limitar a ingestão de gorduras trans

As gorduras trans são o pior tipo de gordura alimentar e o consumo de alimentos ricos em gorduras trans aumenta o colesterol ruim, ao mesmo tempo em que diminui o colesterol bom.

Elas também criam inflamação, que tem ligação com doença cardíaca, AVC e outras condições crônicas de saúde.

As gorduras trans contribuem ainda com a resistência à insulina, que aumenta o risco de desenvolver diabetes do tipo 2. Por sua vez, a condição é um fator de risco para doença no coração.

Ou seja, é necessário tomar muito cuidado e limitar bastante o consumo das gorduras trans, que são encontradas principalmente na margarina e nos produtos industrializados, por exemplo.

7. Controlar o estresse e dormir melhor

A tarefa não é das mais simples, mas tentar controlar o estresse e procurar dormir melhor também é importante.

O estresse e o sono de má qualidade e de poucas horas aumentam a secreção do cortisol, um hormônio que faz com que se perca tecido muscular (massa magra) e se acumule gordura na região abdominal.

Por isso, vale muito a pena aderir a técnicas para controlar o estresse e melhorar a qualidade do sono. Por exemplo: fazer meditação, tomar um banho relaxante antes de dormir ou beber um chá que ajude a acalmar, como de melissa, valeriana ou camomila.

Aliás, aproveite e descubra alguns truques para dormir melhor.

8. Aumentar o consumo de probióticos

Os alimentos com probióticos fornecem microrganismos saudáveis para a colonização do intestino, que contribuem para que o órgão funcione bem. O bom funcionamento do intestino também tem uma relação com um acúmulo menor de gordura na região abdominal.

Alguns exemplos de bons probióticos são: iogurte natural sem açúcar, kefir, kombucha e alimentos fermentados como o chucrute.

9. Praticar atividades físicas

A prática de exercícios físicos é importante para queimar mais calorias e mais gorduras. Portanto, para quem puder e tiver a liberação médica, a dica é acrescentar os treinos físicos na rotina.

Entretanto, especialmente para que é iniciante no mundo dos treinos ou tem histórico de lesões, é fundamental que as atividades físicas ocorram sob o acompanhamento do educador físico para garantir que os exercícios sejam eficientes e seguros.

10. Consumir bastante água

Esta é uma recomendação que você já deve estar cansado de ouvir, afinal a água é importante para todos os processos do organismo.

Mas você sabia que isso também inclui o processo de lipólise, ou seja, de queima de gorduras? Uma motivação a mais para beber água ao longo de todo do dia!

A seguir, um vídeo da nossa nutricionista em que ela fala sobre a gordura visceral e como perdê-la:

Aliás, aproveite que está por aqui e veja também este vídeo da nossa nutricionista explicando por que é importante perder a gordura na barriga:

Fontes e Referências Adicionais
  • Harvard Health Publishing – Abdominal fat and what to do about it
  • MedlinePlus – Dietary Fiber
  • Harvard Health Publishing – When it comes to protein, how much is too much?
  • Cleveland Clinic – Can You Eat Too Much Protein?
  • Harvard Health Publishing – The truth about fats: the good, the bad, and the in-between

Então, vai começar a seguir as dicas? Quais delas? Conte para nós nos comentários!

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Perigos Da Dieta Low Carb



Will A Low Carb Diet Lower Blood Pressure

Will A Low Carb Diet Lower Blood Pressure

Photo Courtesy: [fcafotodigital/E+/Getty Images]

When you're diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor will likely help you adopt a new health regimen to improve your diet and start exercising. If your blood pressure is very high, your doctor may want you to start taking blood pressure-lowering medications. Although eating healthily can help you lower your blood pressure over time, there are specific foods you can eat that may reverse the condition faster than others. Eating these foods can have the added benefit of aiding in weight loss, which in turn will help lower your blood pressure as well.

Photo Courtesy: [ClarkandCompany/E+/Getty Images]

Whole grains are still completely intact and haven't undergone a refining process to remove their bran and germ components. Whole grains retain the entire grain kernel, making them higher in fiber and other nutrients than refined grains.

One of the many health benefits associated with consuming whole grains is a decrease in blood pressure. The high levels of potassium and magnesium in whole grains are also linked to lower blood pressure. Researchers believe these grains can help with weight control because they keep you feeling full for a longer period of time and also help maintain blood sugar levels.

Examples of whole grain foods that are recommended for lowering blood pressure are oatmeal, oat bran muffins and healthy sandwiches made on whole grain bread. Check that food labels say the items contain 100% whole grain or wheat, and avoid foods that list white or wheat flour as their first ingredient.

2. Low-Fat and Non-Fat Dairy

Photo Courtesy: [Halfpoint Images/Moment/Getty Images]

Calcium may protect against high blood pressure, and dairy products are high in both calcium and vitamin D. These two nutrients boost each other's health benefits and are more powerful at lowering blood pressure when consumed together. Adults still need to maintain adequate calcium levels, and a calcium deficiency can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. Other dairy micronutrients, such as potassium and phosphorus, are also associated with lower blood pressure.

Eating dairy products that are low in fat, such as skim milk or fat-free yogurt, can help lower blood pressure significantly. To incorporate low-fat dairy into your meals, add skim milk to whole grain cereals for breakfast. For a healthy snack, add some fresh fruit and granola to a cup of fat-free yogurt.

3. Spinach

Photo Courtesy: [10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images]

Nitrate-rich leafy greens, such as spinach, can lower blood pressure by improving arterial blood flow. Spinach is also packed with magnesium and folate, which may not only help lower blood pressure but also help maintain healthy blood pressure over time. Spinach is also a great choice for maintaining a healthy weight because it's so low in calories.

Whether it's fresh, pre-packaged or frozen, you can add spinach to your diet in a variety of ways. For breakfast, add some fresh spinach leaves to egg whites. Add fresh or packaged spinach leaves to just about any lunch salad, and replace lettuce on sandwiches with fresh spinach leaves. Toss some spinach leaves with other fresh veggies and add them to pasta dishes for a healthy dinner entree.

4. Nuts, Seeds and Beans

Photo Courtesy: [PamelaJoeMcFarlane/E+/Getty Images]

Also full of magnesium and potassium, nuts, seeds and beans are key components to add to your diet to fight against high blood pressure. They're also low in carbohydrates and high in protein and fiber, making them good choices for maintaining healthy weight and blood sugar levels. Nuts even contain the amino acid L-arginine, which makes nitric oxide to relax blood vessels.

Be sure to stay away from any salted varieties of these foods; high sodium levels are a known risk factor for high blood pressure. Nuts, seeds and beans make an easy, quick snack on their own, but you can also add them to salads, soups and sandwiches at various meals.

5. Bananas

Photo Courtesy: [dowell/Moment/Getty Images]

Known for being an excellent source of potassium, bananas can significantly impact blood pressure levels. When potassium in your body dips below recommended levels, your body will hang onto sodium, which in turn can raise your blood pressure. Conversely, when your potassium levels are high, your body will release stores of sodium, resulting in lower blood pressure.

Eating bananas is a quick and easy way to keep your potassium and sodium levels in a proper balance. Add sliced bananas to whole grain cereal or oatmeal for a heart-healthy breakfast. For a healthy snack, add banana slices on top of whole grain bread with some peanut butter, or add frozen bananas to a fresh fruit and fat-free yogurt smoothie.

6. Baked Potatoes

Photo Courtesy: [Anastasiia Kulikovska/Moment/Getty Images]

Potatoes have gotten some bad press over the years. Known for being high in carbs, many people avoid this vegetable out of fear of gaining weight. However, if you prepare and eat them properly, potatoes can be a nutritious addition to a healthy diet plan. Potatoes are fat-free and cholesterol-free and are a rich source of magnesium and fiber. Much like bananas, baked potatoes also pack a whopping punch of potassium into every serving.

Eating baked potatoes can help lower your blood pressure by keeping your potassium levels high and sodium levels low. For added flavor, eat your baked potato with some fresh minced garlic or chopped chives.

7. Dark Chocolate

Photo Courtesy: [zoranm/E+/Getty Images]

Dark chocolate is gaining recognition in the world of healthy foods. Unlike milk chocolate, dark chocolate is very high in antioxidants and vital nutrients. Just one half-ounce serving of dark chocolate a day may help to bring blood pressure levels back down to the normal range.

Although the connection between dark chocolate and lower blood pressure hasn't officially been established, it's believed that the antioxidants in the chocolate can help eliminate free radicals, thereby improving overall heart health. The antioxidants in dark chocolate occur due to its cocoa content; therefore, look for chocolate that contains at least 50–70% cocoa.

8. Salmon

Photo Courtesy: [Joff Lee/The Image Bank/Getty Images]

Salmon is an excellent lean protein choice that can help lower blood pressure numbers and offer many other cardiovascular benefits. In addition to being high in protein, salmon contains a large amount of B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, which provide many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help protect your cardiovascular system. Salmon is also low in fat, and the fats that are present are the healthy kind.

To enjoy all of the health benefits of salmon, it's important to opt for healthy preparation techniques, such as grilling, broiling or baking. Add flavor without adding sodium by brushing on some olive oil and sprinkling on black pepper.

9. Green Tea

Photo Courtesy: [Westend61/Getty Images]

Some studies have shown that green tea consumption is linked to lower blood pressure. Although there aren't many studies supporting this theory, and some of the results have varied, drinking green tea has been recognized as a holistic approach to reduce blood pressure for centuries. The flavonoids in green tea help dilate blood vessels and also have antioxidant properties that protect against free radical compounds, which can elevate blood pressure. Try a cup of hot green tea in place of your morning coffee.

10. Avocados

Photo Courtesy: [Alexander Spatari/Moment/Getty Images]

Avocados have gained a lot of recognition as a superfood. They're high in protein, fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy fats that can have many cardio-protective benefits when you eat them in moderation. These heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids — in addition to many other nutrients found in avocados, such as B vitamins and vitamin C — have antioxidant properties that promote cardiovascular health.

Avocados also contain magnesium, phosphorus and folate, which help maintain blood pressure levels. Another surprising fact most people don't know is that avocados contain more potassium than bananas. This combination of nutrients is what makes avocados a healthy, blood pressure-lowering food.

Resource Links:


Will A Low Carb Diet Lower Blood Pressure

